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libswarm demotime - logging

If you don't know what libswarm is take a gander at Libswarm in a nutshell

Just a quick demo showing off what libswarm can do with logging.

I will be using code from this gist:

Demo time!

# start a container that prints to stdout
docker -H tcp:// run -d --entrypoint /bin/sh debian:jessie -c \
    'while true; do echo this is a log message; sleep 1; done'

# fire up swarmd
./swarmd 'logforwarder tcp://' stdoutlogger
Getting logs tcp:// [agitated_yonath]
2014-07-17 19:04:22.42915222 +0000 UTC  tcp:// agitated_yonath INFO    this is a log message

2014-07-17 19:04:23.43114032 +0000 UTC  tcp:// agitated_yonath INFO    this is a log message


So we told swarmd to fire up the logforwarder backend and connect to the docker daemon on tcp://, attach to each of the containers in the daemon, convert the stdout/stderr streams to log messages and forward them into the stdoutlogger (which is a backend made simply for demo purposes) which prints to the terminal's stdout.

# Now lets connect to multiple daemons with multiple containers
docker -H tcp:// run -d --entrypoint /bin/sh debian:jessie -c \
    'while true; do echo this is a log message; sleep 1; done'
docker -H tcp:// run -d --entrypoint /bin/sh debian:jessie -c \
    'while true; do echo this is a log message; sleep 1; done'

docker -H tcp:// run -d --entrypoint /bin/sh debian:jessie -c \
    'while true; do echo this is also a log message; sleep 1; done'

./swarmd 'logforwarder tcp:// tcp://' stdoutlogger
Getting logs tcp:// [agitated_yonath romantic_wozniak]
Getting logs tcp:// [hopeful_babbage]
2014-07-17 19:40:22.93898444 +0000 UTC  tcp:// agitated_yonath INFO    this is a log message

2014-07-17 19:40:23.26841138 +0000 UTC  tcp:// hopeful_babbage INFO    this is also a log message

2014-07-17 19:40:23.63765218 +0000 UTC  tcp:// romantic_wozniak    INFO    this too is a log message

2014-07-17 19:40:23.94244022 +0000 UTC  tcp:// agitated_yonath INFO    this is a log message

2014-07-17 19:40:24.27086067 +0000 UTC  tcp:// hopeful_babbage INFO    this is also a log message

2014-07-17 19:40:24.64303259 +0000 UTC  tcp:// romantic_wozniak    INFO    this too is a log message

Here we have the logforwarder connecting to 2 docker backends, attaching to each of the containers and forwarding the stdout/stderr streams to the stdoutlogger.



Instead of stdoutlogger, this could be swapped out for syslog, logstash, whatever... it just needs to implement the libswarm Log verb.
