Docker Grand Ambassador
28 Aug 2014In Docker, when you want two containers to be able to discover each other and communicate, you use links... Or at least when you first started you did and and then you gave up because links don't work well right now.
The problem with linking is that links are static. When a container which is being linked to is restarted it very likely has a new IP address. Any container which is linked to this restarted container will also need to be restarted in order to pick up this new IP address. Therefore linked containers can often have a cascading effect of needing to restart many containers in order to update links.
Links can also only be created one-way, and the linked-to container must exist, and be running, in order to link to it.
You can use the Ambassador pattern as a way to mitigate this, but as used in the example they it is marginally useful in a multi-host setup and much less useful in a single host scenario.
Indeed solutions to this are being worked on:
- Proposal: Links: Dynamic Links
- Proposal: Links: Upgrading the network model
- Update /etc/hosts when linked container is restarted -> This one just got merged!
People do however need something for now. SkyDNS+SkyDock, etcd, consul, etc all exist for this. I've personally used and recommended SkyDNS+Skydock, however running a DNS server isn't neccessarily desirable. For the others, your applications need to be modified to take advantage of them.
This is why I created Grand Ambassador. Grand Ambassador acts as a proxy server for accessing some container, much like the example in the Ambassador Pattern Linking article linked to above. What Grand Ambassador does differently is that it is dynamic. That means it will not only automatically create a proxy on all exposed ports for the passed in container, it will also automatically detect changes to that container and adjust the proxy server accordingly (e.g. it has a new IP address b/c of a container restart)
Example Usage:
docker run -d --expose 6379 --name redis redis
docker run -d -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
--name red-amb \
cpuguy83/docker-grand-ambassador -name redis
docker run --rm --link red-amb:db redis redis-cli -h db ping
In the above example, the redis-ambassador is used in place of the actual redis container for connecting to it. I can restart the redis container and the ambassador will detect that change and adjust accordingly. No need to restart the ambassador or the linking container as you would without the ambassador.
So this has actually been out for a little while now, I just never posted about it. Recently I made some updates to it that enables some interesting functionality.
docker run -d -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
--name red-amb cpuguy83/docker-grand-ambassador -name redis
docker run -d --expose 6379 --name redis redis
docker run --link redis-amb:db redis redis-cli -h db ping
Here you can see I am creating the ambassador before the redis container even exists. The ambassador will wait for the container with the given name to be created and then automatically setup the proxy for our redis-cli to use
I can also:
# continued from above
docker rm -f redis
docker run -d --name --expose 6379 redis redis
docker run --link redis-amb:db redis redis-cli -h db ping
Here, with everything still running, I can remove the redis container and create a new one with the same name. Grand Ambassador will see the removal, stop the proxy, then wait for the container with the same name to be created/started again. So, for instnace, you can create a make a quick configuration change to redis, create a new container, and all without modifying, restarting, change in any way the container that is actually wanting to use redis.
The above examples are rudimentary for demo purposes. You could have a
full-blown app which does not exit like the redis-cli -h db ping