30 Sep 2014
Docker 1.2 introduced a powerful new feature called "restart policies".
Restart policies replaces the old daemon "-r" option, which itself would try to
restart all previously running containers upon daemon restart, however this was
rife with trouble.
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28 Aug 2014
In Docker, when you want two containers to be able to discover each other and
communicate, you use links... Or at least when you first started you did and
and then you gave up because links don't work well right now.
The problem with linking is that links are static. When a container which is
being linked to is restarted it very likely has a new IP address. Any container
which is linked to this restarted container will also need to be restarted in
order to pick up this new IP address. Therefore linked containers can often have
a cascading effect of needing to restart many containers in order to update
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31 Jul 2014
When DockerHub was announced there was a really handy feature added that you may have missed: Webhooks.
With DockerHub you can setup a webhook to call out to an external service once a successful push of a particular image is made (this includes completion of automated builds).
This makes for a nice addition to an existing CI/CD workflow.
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17 Jul 2014
If you don't know what libswarm is take a gander at Libswarm in a nutshell
Just a quick demo showing off what libswarm can do with logging.
I will be using code from this gist: https://gist.github.com/cpuguy83/b7c0f42e903bc13c46d6
Demo time!
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03 Jul 2014
At Dockercon, Docker announced a new project being worked on called libswarm
I wanted to clarify what exactly libswarm is, what it does, and what it doesn't do.
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